Tuesday, April 26, 2011

INDIA - FUTURE OF CHANGE - Photography Contest - UPDATE

Tuk-Tuk Close Up

My Tuk-Tuk photo from Delhi has been selected in the Top 10 (National / International) photos of the contest and has won me a 15 day all-expenses-paid
holiday to India!

I still can't believe it and am very happy!

One Grand Prize winner in each theme will be announced on 19th May 2011 during the launch of phase 2 of INDIA Future of Change in London. So I guess its fingers crossed for the next round ;-)

To check the other results you can follow the links below:

My 15 day all-expenses-paid holiday to India actually turned out to be a 15 day train journey around business parks etc with 400 young entrepreneurs, during Christmas! I really did consider it but chose to decline the offer due to spend time with my family instead. I was a little confused when I found out about the details of the trip as it wasn't really the 'holiday' or 'vacation' promised as the prize. So, I wrote to the India Future of Change team asking them to donate my prize to someone local who would benefit from the trip more than me but instead they are paying me the cost of a return flight from Geneva to Delhi - Happy Days!

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